The United States airspace is divided into 21 zones and within each zone is a sector and each zone the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) designed five divisions of Air Traffic Control (ATC) and each division has its own responsibility in managing aircraft throughout the skies using radar and beacons (,2016). ATC coordinates aircraft through the area of jurisdiction (FAA 2008). NextGen is comprehensive ATC modernization using a Global Positioning System (GPS) built on reliable satellite-based navigation (Global Business Travel Association 2016). It consists of four elements; Automatic dependent surveillance-broadcast (ADS-B), Next Generation Data Communications (Data Comm), Next Generation Network Enabled Weather (NNEW), and National Airspace System Voice Switch (NVS), this provides a more efficent and instant way to manage the busiest air space in the world (wikipedia).
2) Why has GA traditional spoken against the privatization of ATC? What is the stance of US airlines on ATC privatization and why? Find two aviation organizations/lobby groups/think tanks (not individual companies) etc. and report their response to privatization.
3) Is ATC privatized in any other countries? If so, where? Write about the details of how this system works. How is it funded? Who are the private operators? Etc..Does the privatized ATC system run more or less efficiently than our current system?
4) What would be the process for converting our current system into a privatized system? i.e. would it have to go through Congress, the FAA, etc..Where is the discussion at? i.e. is there a passed bill or law allowing ATC privatization? Does it have to be an act of Congress or can the FAA make this decision on its own.
5) Finally, do you feel that the current ATC system would be more efficient if it were privatized. Why or why not?
Don't forget to include at least two references in APA format as well as corresponding in-text citations. There must be at least one in-text citation for every reference that you list.
Craig Freudenrich, Ph.D. "How Air Traffic Control Works" 12 June 2001.
Next Generation Air Transportation System. (2016, January 4). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 04:24, January 18, 2016, from
NextGen – Air Traffic Control Modernization. (n.d.). Retrieved January 18, 2016, from–AirTrafficControlModernization.aspx
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